A Modular Study Program for University and Vocational Education Students - Pixel
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A Modular Study Program for University and Vocational Education Students
An Integrated Proposal
A Modular Study Program for University and Vocational Education Students


The offer proposed is based on a modular approach.

To each group of students and teachers applying for our training initiatives we propose a number of modules that they can choose.

Each module is independent from the others and can be delivered by itself or it can be part of an integrated approach.

Every group of students can choose which of the proposed modules is interested in. It can be the Italian language course for specific purposes only. It can be a training course on a topic of their interest (which in this case will be delivered either in English or in Italian). Or it can be the in-company visits only. Or, and this is usually the best and preferred option, it can be an integration among them.

Module 1) Italian Language Course

The language course program is completely customised for the group of students from the participating University/College/School. The language course contents are developed in a fully customized way so as to focus on the acquisition of specific language skills related to a specific subject area that is relevant for the group of students. The course schedule is developed so as to respond to the group of students' requirements in terms of language learning objectives and time availability. The course teachers are selected on the basis of their expertise in the specific subject area.

Module 2) Other Courses

A number of other courses are organized for the group of students. These can include, for example the following courses: History, Political Sciences, Literature, Cinema, Tourism Management, Art and Architecture, Graphic Design, Web Design etc. A number of practical studio courses may also be organized. These can include: Art Studio (e.g. Painting; Water Colour Painting; Painting of Textiles; Drawing; Photography etc.), Cookery courses; Wine Tasting. All courses included in Module 2 may be delivered either in Italian or in English.
These courses usually take the form of a seminar to specifically analyze a subject of the area of study of the students.
So for example, for a group of students of History a seminar on the History of Italian Political Parties was organized. Another example, for a group of students of accountancy a seminar on the application of new technologies (and specifically excel and access) for business management and accountancy was organized. Other examples may be seminars on tourism management, art of renaissance, etc etc.

Module 3) Courses with Own University Teachers

Module 3 responds to the need of some teachers to continue delivering their own courses while the students are carrying out their international experience abroad.
In this case, we make available fully equipped classrooms for the sending university’s or college’s teachers in case they are willing to deliver courses to their students.

Module 4) Cultural Visits

Cultural Visits in Tuscany are organized. This includes guided tours of Tuscan Cities, Museum visits etc. The visits are organized in one day.
These visits can be organized with the assistance of a professional tour guide, or with the teacher. For example if a course has been delivered on Renaissance Art in Florence, the teacher who delivered the course can organize the guided tour

Module 5) In-Company Visits

Module 5 is one of the most successful modules and it is very often chosen with the integration either of language courses or of other courses.
Module 5 gives to the participating students the opportunity to get to know the Italian labor market visiting Tuscan companies operating in the sector of their interest.
These visits are organized providing the teacher and the group of students, one month before their visit to Florence, the full list of the companies that will be visited with a detailed description of each of the company that will be visited. This gives the students the opportunity to prepare an interview that will be held with each of the visited company’s staff and managers.
Interviews with the company’s managers and staff are therefore held and this allows the students to understand the skills that are needed to carry out the company’s activity and the type of tasks that the company’s staff carries out. The students involved will also have the opportunity to understand the needs and expectations of companies operating in their subject area, also learning about different existing experiences and work methods in Tuscany.
The result of the in-company visit is a real enhancement in the students’ motivation to study as they have the opportunity to see the practical application of what they are learning.

Module 6) Internship

Internships in Tuscan companies are organized. Each internship has a duration of 1 to 6 months and it is carried out by the individual student in a company operating in his/her field of interest. The internships are organized proposing to the selected company the CV of the candidate student to check with the company if the skills of the students match the activities he/she would carry out. An interview is then organized so that the company present to the candidate student the activity he/she should carry out and the student introduces him/herself. If the company is satisfied with the interview and if the student is happy with the proposed activities the internship is confirmed.
The internship allows the students to participate in the daily business activities of an Italian company and to apply the skills acquired during their course of studies as well as to develop practical skills that enhance their future employability.

Module 7) On-Line Course

In order to respond to the need expressed by some of the teachers and students participating in our initiative not to conclude the learning experience once departed from Florence we have developed our 7° Module. This Module allows the group of students to continue the learning process started during their experience in Florence enrolling in the online course of Italian language. The online course lasts from 1 to 3 months and it is organized in two type of activities: Asyncronous on-line activities: the students will have to do some exercises that will be sent to their teacher in Florence, or participate in a forum etc. and Syncronous online activities where they will all meet in a virtual room with their teacher to discuss specific topics on the basis of an agenda that is produced by the Italian teacher and circulated the week before the virtual meeting. So far we have developed an on-line course of Italian for secretarial and administrative staff that focuses on the acquisition of specific language skills for students who will work in secretarial and administrative offices. Other online courses will be developed in the near future.


Example of Subject Areas Proposed for the Courses

Italian Language
This subject area includes courses such as: Basic Italian Language; Intermediate Italian Language; Advanced Italian Language; Focus on Oral Communication in Italian; Focus on Written Italian; Italian Language for Art and Architecture; Business Italian Language etc.

This subject area includes seminars such as: Italian ancient history; Italian History of the 900; History of Florence: from its origins to today; Tuscany during the age of Dante; Lorenzo il Magnifico and his Times; History of the European Integration; History of Italian Economy etc.

Political Science
This subject area includes seminars such as: European Union Institutions and Policies; History of Italian Political Parties; Current Italian Politics; History of Italian Political Theories; Italian International Relations in the 20th Century etc.

This subject area includes topics such as: Dante and the Divine Comedy; Boccaccio and his Works; Historic Novels from Alessandro Manzoni to Elsa Morante; 20th Century Italian Plays; History of Italian Poetry; Contemporary Italian Narrative etc.

Art and Architecture
This subject area includes seminars such as: Florentine Renaissance Art; History of Italian Design, History of Italian Architecture; Architectural Design; Historical Architectural Buildingetc.

Tourism Management
This subject area includes courses such as: Tourism Marketing Models; Web Marketing of tourism; Tourism Management; Sustainable Tourism in Tuscany; Total Quality Management of Tourism; The Phenomenon of the Italian Agriturismi; etc.

Hotel Management
This subject area includes seminars such as: Quality principles in hotel management, Marketing of hotel services; Staff management, Client management etc.

New Technologies for Business Management
This subject area includes courses such as: Use of Excel for financial management; Creation of databases for business purposes with Access; Business presentations developed with Power Point etc.

Web Design
This subject area includes courses such as: Web design principles, Effective choice of colours, graphic and solutions for web design, HTML, XHTML, PHP, Flash etc.

Art Studio
This subject area includes courses such as: Charcoal Drawing; Sketching; Photography etc.


Please contact us at: corsoitaliano@pixel-online.net
Posted 2010.11.10
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