Learn Italian in Florence – Individual tailor-made courses

For direct contact:
Pixel School
Via Luigi Lanzi, 12
50134 Firenze - Italia
Tel. +39-055-48 97 00
Fax. +39-055-462 88 73
Types of Course
Pixel designs and creates customised individual language courses, which are completely personalised.
The individual courses organised by Pixel allow students of all levels to reach excellent results in a short period of time.
The contents of the course are entirely personalised: the student specifies the type of language skills that he/she intends to acquire as well as his/her area of interest and time availability and is presented with a tailor-made programme which responds totally to his/her language learning objectives.
The courses offered aim to improve both the written and oral communication and comprehension Italian language skills. The course topics are discussed and agreed upon directly with the student, as are the number of hours.
Courses which have already been developed have focused on the following themes:
Italian Language Basic Course:
greetings and presentations; describing people and situations; everyday life communication; shopping; eating etc.
Italian language for business
presenting one’s own company; travelling for business; receiving business partners; participating in meetings; making presentations; business correspondence etc.
Italian language for marketing
promoting one’s own company; presenting a product; negotiation; sales; participating in a trade fair.
Italian language for tourism management
written and oral communication and comprehension in a tourism-hotelier environment.
Italian language for travelling in Italy
asking for directions; means of transport; eating in Italy; finding accommodation; planning a tour etc.
Italian language for art and architecture
written and oral communication and comprehension in the field of the history and theory of art and architecture as well as for the practice of art and architecture.
Italian language for fashion
written and oral communication and comprehension in the fashion sector, which therefore includes clothing; leather ware; accessories etc.
Italian language for cookery
written and oral communication and comprehension for Italian cooking and eating.
Italian language for the medical sector
written and oral communication and comprehension in the field of medicine, which therefore includes: communication between the doctor and the patient; social relations in the field of medicine; medical terminology etc.
Italian language for working in Italy
producing a curriculum vitae; job interview technique; socialising in a business environment; researching the Italian job market
Refresher Courses for teachers of Italian
examination of various aspects of the Italian language and teaching methodologies; current affairs in Italy; new proposals and solutions for language teaching, new teaching material proposals.

Certified Quality System
in compliance with the
UNI EN ISO 9001:2000
Certificate n° SQ.41823
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Italian On-Line
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